
加州州立大学社会工作硕士, Dominguez Hills is strategically located to focus on the diverse social service needs and problems particular to the South Bay area of Los Angeles County, 大都市区, 由社会和文化多样化的人群组成.

因为各民族和文化的多样性, the program will prepare social work students for contextually competent social work practice, 包括文化问题, 比赛, 种族, 社会经济地位, 阶级和性别差异, 宗教和偏见的影响, 偏见, 以及制度化的种族主义. These issues and concerns often obscure helping efforts if they are not appropriately recognized and dealt with in practice and in social policy development and implementation. 因此, the program aims at increasing students’ understanding of the underlying causes resulting from intersecting effects of 偏见, 歧视, and stereotyping and teaches ways of identifying strategies and interventions for addressing these concerns and problems in social work practice.

的基督教社会联盟DH MSW program has set several goals in the preparation of professional social workers applying cultural and contextually competent practice. 该计划旨在为毕业生做好准备:

  1. Engage in autonomous professionally competent practices that are culturally appropriate interventions tailored to enhance the well-being of individuals, 家庭, 以及团体的成功运作, 不同城市环境中的组织和社区.
  2. Be able and willing to promote economic and social justice through the practice of culturally and contextually competent interventions at all levels, 包括政策实践, 倡导和直接干预.
  3. Be analytically skilled to identify and understand the destructive patterns of institutionalized poverty, 歧视 and oppression using scientifically valid re搜索 methodologies and critical analyses to identify, 评估和改变竞争经济的各个方面, 政治和社会制度, 以及它们之间有害的相互作用.
  4. 参与基于社区的社会问题研究, 关注那些影响个体的变量, 家庭, 组, 组织 and communities in diverse pluralistic urban environments that can be directly applied to the education of students and reflect evidence based culturally and contextually competent social work intervention.
  5. Establish and maintain professional relationships that enable cooperation and collaboration with members of the social service community that mitigate/ameliorate complex social challenges through shared leadership and partnerships.
  6. Be committed to the profession of social work that includes maintaining the highest ethical standards embodied in professional ethics, development of a life-long-learning philosophy based on ongoing evaluations of one’s own practices informed by regular access to and consumption of appropriate scholarly re搜索.


  1. 为社会工作专业做出贡献, 在本地, within the state and nationally through collaborating with social service agencies to promote their endeavors through implementation of contextually culturally competent programs, 评价实践和研究.


在加州州立大学完成城市垃圾项目后, 多明格斯山的学生将能够:

1.1. 从事自主的专业实践.

1.2. Identify the concepts of critical 比赛 theory and intersectionality applied to case situations.

1.3. Discuss contextually and culturally competent practice in the appropriate setting with individuals, 家庭, 组, 组织, 以及各种复杂城市环境中的社区.

2.1. Discuss the roles of advocacy and policy practices as integral components of professional social work practice using a conceptual paradigm that identifies causal links between personal troubles, 和/或具有社会结构的个人和家庭的症状.

3.1. 应用 appropriate and valid re搜索 methods and other models of critical analysis to identify, assess and address causes and consequences of institutional behaviors affecting individuals, 多样化和复杂的城市社区中的家庭和群体.

4.1. Produce and disseminate scholarly work documenting and assessing effective approaches addressing relationships between structural inequalities in social, economic and environmental sectors and their implications and consequences for client systems of all sizes within diverse and complex urban communities.

5.1. Practice professional relationships with client systems of all sizes using a Community Practice focus.

5.2. Identify and discuss an array of problem solving models that utilize a range of social work roles as contextually appropriate.

5.3. 应用 the knowledge and related practice techniques of two theories appropriately adapted as contextually and culturally competent practice with client systems appropriate to the student’s specialization within the Community Practice concentration.

5.4. Demonstrate skills in building cooperation and collaboration with and among systems of all sizes to impact positive social changes in diverse and complex urban communities.

5.5. Identify and describe skills required to work within and amongst 组织 in a variety of roles, 从监管中获利, 以造福个人为目的的协商和合作, 家庭, 组, 组织和社区在不同和复杂的城市地区.

6.1. Understand and articulate the underlying philosophies and ensuing codes of the highest ethical standards embodied in professional ethics and adhere to these standards in all aspects of their professional practices.

6.2. 发展能力,有效地参与系统的评估他们的做法.

6.3. Demonstrate and articulate the value and necessity of lifelong learning as an essential component of professional competence

6.4 .参与社会工作专业, 在本地, within the state and nationally through collaborating with social service agencies to promote their endeavors through implementation of contextually and culturally competent programs, 评价实践和研究.